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Helpers Recruitment

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We are looking for helpers for the English and Russian communities!

Currently, you can apply for the following positions:

  • Battle Moderator
  • Chat Moderator
  • Discord Moderator
  • Forum Moderator
  • Events Helper
  • Social Media Helper
  • Tester
  • Designer
  • Rent a Spec Helper

Choose a position and apply as a helper in this category:

All helpers in the game receive rewards for their work. If you have ever been interested in helping the game, be sure to submit an application on the forum. If we do not contact you within 30 days, consider yourself rejected. Usually, you will always receive a response on the forum whether you have been accepted or rejected.

Or perhaps you would like to become an administrator? We are also looking for those, you have a chance to receive money and more...

Administrators we need:

  • Wiki Administrator (1)
  • Contests & Parkour Administrator (1)
  • eSports Administrator (2 - English and Russian)
  • Events Administrator (1 - English)
  • Assistants Administrator (1)
  • V-LOG's Administrator (1)
  • Translators Administrator (1)
  • Video Editors Administrator (1)
  • Mapmakers Administrator (1)

Apply for an Administrator position here:

We wish you good luck and welcome you to submit your applications!

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