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About 3Be3gA

  • Group Community Manager
  • Other groups Chat Administrator

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  1. Chat Moderators LISTS Chat administrator Chat Administrator is an administrator of the helpers group, ensuring order in the game chats to create a pleasant atmosphere. He also monitors the work of the moderators' battle chat helpers group and handles complaints against helpers in his group in case of rule violations, taking appropriate measures. In addition, the Chat Administrator is responsible for training and supporting helpers, ensuring effective teamwork and a high level of professionalism. @3Be3gA @777 Chat Moderator Chat Moderator is an official team of helpers and battle chat moderators who monitor compliance with the game chat rules. They provide support to players when needed, for example, by helping to explain rules or resolve conflicts. Additionally, they are responsible for maintaining a positive and friendly atmosphere in the chat. If necessary, they also connect players with the administrator to address more serious questions or issues. Currently, there are no helpers available. You can apply here: click. Chat Moderator CANDIDATE Chat Candidate is a participant who has shown interest in becoming a chat moderator. They aim to become part of the team of helpers and moderators who maintain order and a positive atmosphere in the chat. Candidates undergo special training, including studying the rules and moderation processes, as well as developing skills in interacting with participants. They also carefully study moderation commands for bans and log management to ensure effective moderation work. Currently, there are no helpers available. You can apply here: click. .container { max-width: 1000px; margin: 20px auto; border-radius: 10px; } .section { margin-bottom: 20px; padding: 20px; background-color: #000912; border-radius: 5px; box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); transition: transform 0.3s ease, background-color 0.3s ease; } .section:hover { transform: translateY(-5px); background-color: #12171c; } .section:hover { transform: translateY(-5px); background-color: #12171c; } .section-title { color: #1abc9c; font-size: 24px; margin-bottom: 10px; text-transform: uppercase; position: relative; } .section-title::after { content: ''; display: block; width: 50px; height: 2px; background-color: #00ffff; margin-top: 5px; transition: width 0.3s ease; } .section:hover .section-title::after { width: 100%; } .link-box { text-align: center; padding: 10px; background-color: #191b23; border-radius: 5px; box-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); transition: background-color 0.3s ease; } .link-box:hover { background-color: #00a51c; } .link-box2 { text-align: center; padding: 10px; background-color: #000912; border-radius: 5px; box-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); transition: background-color 0.3s ease; } .link-box2:hover { background-color: #12171c; } .link-box a { color: #fff; text-decoration: none; } .highlight { color: #3498db; } ul, ol { padding-left: 20px; } .animated-text, .animated-list li { transition: transform 0.3s ease; } .animated-text:hover, .animated-list li:hover, .animated-sentence:hover { transform: translateX(10px); } Apply to us now as a Chat Moderator! .container2 { max-width: 965px; margin: 20px auto; border-radius: 10px; } .section2 { border-radius: 5px; transition: transform 0.3s ease, background-color 0.3s ease; } .section:hover { transform: translateY(-5px); background-color: #12171c; } .section:hover { transform: translateY(-5px); background-color: #12171c; } .section-title2 { color: #1abc9c; font-size: 24px; margin-bottom: 10px; text-transform: uppercase; position: relative; } .section-title::after { content: ''; display: block; width: 50px; height: 2px; background-color: #00ffff; margin-top: 5px; transition: width 0.3s ease; } .section:hover .section-title::after { width: 100%; } .link-box { text-align: center; padding: 10px; background-color: #191b23; border-radius: 5px; box-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); transition: background-color 0.3s ease; } .link-box:hover { background-color: #00a51c; } .link-box2 { text-align: center; padding: 10px; background-color: #000912; border-radius: 5px; box-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); transition: background-color 0.3s ease; } .link-box2:hover { background-color: #12171c; } .link-box a { color: #fff; text-decoration: none; } .highlight { color: #3498db; } ul, ol { padding-left: 20px; } .animated-text, .animated-list li { transition: transform 0.3s ease; } .animated-text:hover, .animated-list li:hover, .animated-sentence:hover { transform: translateX(10px); }
  2. The Administrator's decision is that helpers in this group will not receive payment.
  3. .container { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; gap: 20px; } .box { background: linear-gradient(145deg, #000912, #001012); border: 2px solid #feff00; border-radius: 15px; padding: 20px; flex: 1 1 calc(50% - 40px); box-shadow: 0 0 20px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); transition: transform 0.3s; } .box ul { list-style: none; padding: 0; } .box li { margin: 10px 0; padding: 10px; background: linear-gradient(145deg, #141f2b, #586675); border-radius: 10px; border-left: 4px solid #0098ff; box-shadow: inset 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); } .rewards { display: flex; flex-direction: column; } .rules { margin-top: 20px; } .rules { margin-top: 20px; background: linear-gradient(145deg, #000912, #001012); border: 2px solid #ff4400; border-radius: 15px; padding: 20px; box-shadow: 0 0 20px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); } .rules h2 { color: #ffcc00; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 2px 2px 5px #000; } .rules ul { list-style: none; padding-left: 20px; } .rules ul ul { padding-left: 0; } .rules li { margin: 10px 0; padding: 5px; background: linear-gradient(145deg, #21201b, #5e6156); border-radius: 10px; border-left: 4px solid #ffcc00; box-shadow: inset 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); } .rules li:first-child { margin-top: 0; } .rules li:last-child { margin-bottom: 0; } .ipsType_richText a, .ipsApp [data-ipsEditor] .cke_wysiwyg_div a { text-decoration: auto; } HELLO, TANKERS! We are excited to announce that starting today, you can earn points by posting and exchange them for various rewards. Where and how many points can you earn? "Announcements and News" section: Posting 1 message: 2 points Creating a new topic: 5 points "Events" section: Posting 1 message: 1 point Creating a new topic: Not allowed "Technical Support" section: Posting 1 message: 2 points Creating a new topic: 10 points "General Discussion" section: Posting 1 message: 3 points Creating a new topic: 10 points "Community" section: Posting 1 message: 0 points Creating a new topic: 5 points Exception: "Your Creativity" section: Posting 1 message: 2 points Creating a new topic: 7 points Additional rewards are on the way! What rewards can you earn? 1 Container 3 Containers 5 Containers 1 Day of Premium Account 3 Days of Premium Account 5 Days of Premium Account 7 Days of Premium Account 1500 Crystals 3000 Crystals 5000 Crystals 10000 Crystals 1 Gold Box 3 Gold Boxes 5 Gold Boxes 20 Supplies 100 Supplies 250 Supplies Skin Container Battle Pass 80% Off Premium or Elite Nickname! Now, let's go over a few rules and information: 1. You must not break the game or forum rules. - If you receive a warning, you will get some penalty points. - If you are banned from the forum, you will lose all your forum points. - Spamming on the forum is strictly prohibited! 2. The shop and the ability to earn points are available 24/7. 3. You can start earning points now, but you will only be able to exchange them for rewards once the game is released, except for the 80% discount, which will disappear upon the game's release. Good luck, and we hope to see you in the game! View Forum Shop Now! Administrators Recruitment Alright, let's move on to recruiting Administrators! From now on, you can apply for the Administrator position in a new location - the link can be found at the very bottom of this announcement. We're looking for administrators for the following positions: Battle Administrator (RU) Chat Administrator (RU) Forum Administrator (RU) Wiki Administrator (RU) Contests Administrator (EN) Social Media Administrator (RU) eSports Administrator (RU) eSports Live Stream Administrator (EN or RU) eSports Content Team Administrator (EN or RU) Events Administrator (EN or RU) Assistants Administrator (EN or RU) V-LOGs Administrator (EN or RU) Translators Administrator (EN or RU) Good luck, and we hope to see you in the game! Winter created a position in Administrator 1 hour ago Administrator Position: Administrator Number of places: Unlimited View Position Recruitment is OPEN
  4. We are looking for helpers for the English and Russian communities! Currently, you can apply for the following positions: Battle Moderator Chat Moderator Discord Moderator Forum Moderator Events Helper Social Media Helper Tester Designer Rent a Spec Helper Choose a position and apply as a helper in this category: https://www.cybertankzforum.com/forum/13-apply-for-helper All helpers in the game receive rewards for their work. If you have ever been interested in helping the game, be sure to submit an application on the forum. If we do not contact you within 30 days, consider yourself rejected. Usually, you will always receive a response on the forum whether you have been accepted or rejected. Or perhaps you would like to become an administrator? We are also looking for those, you have a chance to receive money and more... Administrators we need: Wiki Administrator (1) Contests & Parkour Administrator (1) eSports Administrator (2 - English and Russian) Events Administrator (1 - English) Assistants Administrator (1) V-LOG's Administrator (1) Translators Administrator (1) Video Editors Administrator (1) Mapmakers Administrator (1) Apply for an Administrator position here: https://www.cybertankzforum.com/forum/76-apply-for-the-administrator We wish you good luck and welcome you to submit your applications!
  5. Hello tankers! We are pleased to invite you to participate in our first contest, which aims to encourage you to invite friends. In this way, we want to increase the number of players on the server. Let's move on to the contest rules! ✅ What do you need to do? - Invite as many players to this server as possible before the game's release. - These can be strangers, friends, or even family members. - The invitation should not be longer than 7 days; it should be your unique link. - All your invitations will be summarized, so you don't have to worry about it. - To win 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place, you must have at least 20 invitations to the server. Let's talk about the rewards now! ⭐️ 1st place in terms of invitations - 1$ for each invitation (PayPal, Bank Card, QIWI, YooMoney, VK Pay), New special paint "Symphony", 90 days of premium account, and +4,000 crystals for 1 invitation [minimum 40 invitations] ⭐️ 2nd place in terms of invitations - 0,70$ for each invitation (PayPal, Bank Card, QIWI, YooMoney, VK Pay), New special paint "Symphony", 60 days of premium account, and +3,000 crystals for 1 invitation [minimum 35 invitations] ⭐️ 3rd place in terms of invitations - 0,50$ for each invitation (PayPal, Bank Card, QIWI, YooMoney, VK Pay), New special paint "Symphony", 30 days of premium account, and +2,000 crystals for 1 invitation [minimum 30 invitations] ⭐️ Each person for each invitation will receive 5,000 crystals (including the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners). For example, if you invite 100 people, you will receive 500,000 crystals. Terms: Detailed terms: [For first place] - For each invitation, you will receive 5000 crystals. For example, if you take first place and invite 100 people, you are guaranteed to receive 500,000 crystals. - For each invitation, you will receive 1$. For example, if you invite 100 people, you are guaranteed to receive 100$. [For second place] - For each invitation, you will receive 4000 crystals. For example, if you invite 100 people, you are guaranteed to receive an additional 400,000 crystals (total 900,000). - For each invitation, you will receive 0,70$. For example, if you invite 100 people, you are guaranteed to receive 70$. [For third place] - For each invitation, you will receive 5000 crystals. For example, if you invite 100 people, you are guaranteed to receive an additional 300,000 crystals (total 800,000). - For each invitation, you will receive 0,50$. For example, if you invite 100 people, you are guaranteed to receive 50$. [For other participants] - For each invitation, you will receive 5000 crystals. For example, if you invite 100 people, you are guaranteed to receive an additional 200,000 crystals (total 700,000). Submission dates: 📅 Contest start date: 19.02.2024 23:00 UTC 📅 Contest End Date: Unknown, it will end with the publication of the game. 📅 Contest results: Within 7 days of the contest's end.
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