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CLS last won the day on August 17

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About CLS

  • Group Tanker

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  1. When we return flag I've seen that we dont get any xp or score in battle, it would be cool to get extra xps since other projects alr have this feature
  2. When I press P button to pause game and after I try to move tank it will just keep moving straight without taking any command and I have to click with mouse on x button (leave battle)
  3. Clan wars: We can have a leaderboard among all clans created and every week on Sunday and top 3 win rewards such as one week limit paint crystals etc. Points for the leaderboard can be gained by kills capturing flags and points.
  4. Enjoy the time guys <3
  5. Well the admin can just remind them it's fixed and they can check themselves
  6. Do people know that if they report bugs or glitches they get cyber points which can be exchange for cool prizes?
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