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Posts posted by Winter

  1. 7f71bcb6a1e0ab02.png?ex=6689164f&is=6687

    Name availability (1 letter):

    A -  (not available anymore)
    B - (available)
    C - (available)
    D - (available)
    E - (available)
    F - (available)

    G - (not available anymore)
    H - (available)
    I - (available)
    J - (available)
    K - (available)
    L - (available)

    M - (not available anymore)
    N - (available)
    O - (not available anymore)
    P - (available)
    Q - (available)
    R - (available)
    S - (available)
    T - (available)
    U - (available)

    V - (not available anymore)
    W - (available)
    X - (not available anymore)
    Y - (available)
    Z - (available)

    0 - (not available to use)

    1 - (available)

    2 - (available)

    3 - (available)

    4 - (available)

    5 - (available)

    6 - (available)

    7 - (available)

    8 - (available)

    9 - (available)

    Deadline for nickname reservation: 15.07.2024

    1 letter nickname - click or contact on discord - imtheguap

    2 letters nickname - click or contact on discord - imtheguap


    Early access to the game, and special paint in-game!

    • Thumb up 3
    • Thanks 1
    • Thumb down 1
  2. CyberTankz TikTokers

    FgNsA2j.png About Program

    CyberTankz Creators!


    We have great news for you! Soon we will be launching a program for TikTokers.

    Do you have a TikTok channel dedicated to CyberTankz and dream of growing it? We have a great offer for you! Join the "CyberTankz TikTokers" program and benefit from our support and rewards. You provide interesting videos, and we provide the rewards.

    ADGHXO9.png Requirements and rules to be met

    • Regularly publish new videos about CyberTankz. The topics, number, and length of the videos are up to you.
    • The ability to publish videos about other games.
    • Both regular and short videos are included in the program.
    • No violation of any legal regulations or CyberTankz game rules.
    • No insulting CyberTankz creators and assistants.
    • No recommending or linking sites or apps that violate CyberTankz copyrights.

    IdikS9d.png rewards

    • Cyber points - this is forum currency that can be exchanged for promotional codes.
    • Channels that have a minimum of 250 subscribers and 5000 views per month will receive a special account for recording videos.
    • Channels that have a minimum of 500 subscribers and 7000 views per month will receive a spectator account.
    • Channels that have 1000 subscribers or more and 10,000 views per month will receive a unique "CyberTankz TikToker!" paint. 



    Views Cyber Points
    1,000 - 2,500 views 150 cyber points
    2,500 - 5,000 views 300 cyber points
    5,000 - 10,000 views 600 cyber points
    10,000 - 15,000 views 1,000 cyber points
    15,000 - 20,000 views 1,500 cyber points
    20,000 - 25,000 views 2,000 cyber points
    25,000 - 30,000 views 2,500 cyber points
    30,000 - 40,000 views 3,500 cyber points
    Views Cyber Points
    40,000 - 50,000 views 4,500 cyber points
    50,000 - 70,000 views 6,000 cyber points
    70,000 - 90,000 views 8,000 cyber points
    90,000 - 100,000 views 10,000 cyber points
    100,000 - 200,000 views 12,000 cyber points
    200,000 - 400,000 views 15,000 cyber points
    400,000 - 650,000 views 18,000 cyber points
    650,000 - 800,000 views 21,000 cyber points
    800,000 - 1,000,000 views 24,000 cyber points
    1,000,000 views and more 30,000 cyber points
    Crystals yA47G4V.png Containers bpee3eb.png Gold Boxes P5Ov05H.png Premium Accounts eSgyqjz.png
    1,500 Crystals - 300 Points 1 Container - 800 Points 1 Gold Box - 320 Points 1 Day Premium Account - 500 Points
    3,000 Crystals - 500 Points 3 Containers - 1,500 Points 3 Gold Boxes - 650 Points 3 Days Premium Account - 1,250 Points
    5,000 Crystals - 800 Points 5 Containers - 2,500 Points 5 Gold Boxes - 850 Points 5 Days Premium Account - 2,000 Points
    10,000 Crystals - 1,500 Points     7 Days Premium Account - 2,500 Points
    Supplies 97wnOqc.png Others r9sPxhc.png  
    20 Supplies - 100 Points Battle Pass - 10,000 Points  
    100 Supplies - 500 Points Skin Container - 15,000 Points  
    250 Supplies - 1,500 Points    


    The rewards can be exchanged on our forum: Cyber Shop.

    amUkU18.png How to join to the program?

    • Send an application to the TikToker Manager via private message on the official CyberTankz forum, providing your in-game details.
    • If you meet the requirements, the Manager will invite you to the Discord Server with other TikTokers.
    • Every month, you will receive special promotional codes based on the number of views on your channel, in accordance with the program's rules.

    PojxTTw.png Notes

    • The administration reserves the right to change the program rules and the number of views considered. Players will always be informed about such changes.
    • Rewards are granted from the 1st to the 6th day of the month.
    • The program includes only videos about CyberTankz.

    Good luck, CyberTankz creators! Together, we can create amazing content and grow our community!

  3. 1 hour ago, OldTanki_gtx said:

    Creating maps for every celebration of the year makes them more enjoyable by adding different funds and gold rates comparing to normal maps

    Yes, but to make these maps, ideas are needed for them.

  4. TOl8uyG.png Ideas for first game event

    Hello, Tankers! Do you have any ideas for the first event in the game? Is there something specific you would like to see? If so, please let us know in this thread. All suggestions are welcome! The deadline for submitting ideas is 16.07.2024. After that, the topic will be closed.

  5. j76rRGl.png Ideas for clans system

    Hello! In this topic, you can share any ideas for improving clans. These could include, for example, introducing clan currency, new clan missions, special rewards for members, or other innovative solutions. Please provide examples and proposals that are new and original!

  6. kh66vg8.png Ideas for NEW TURRETS

    Hello! In this topic, you can share any ideas for new turret designs and functionalities. Ideas should include parameters, sample turret appearance and description. Please provide examples and proposals that are new and original!

  7. AWniaPj.png Ideas for NEW Hulls

    Hello! In this topic, you can share any ideas for new hull designs and features. Ideas should include parameters, sample hull appearance and description. Please provide examples and proposals that are new and original!

  8. 3lc7X87.png Идеи для НОВЫХ красок

    Здравствуйте! В этой теме вы можете поделиться любыми идеями для новых текстур красок и их предварительных изображений. Пожалуйста, предоставляйте примеры и предложения, которые являются новыми и оригинальными! Возможно, мы добавим их в игру.

  9. Recruitment Status

    About Administrators

    Administrators play a crucial role in maintaining and developing the game. Their responsibilities include overseeing specific positions, troubleshooting, creating and moderating content, collaborating with other administrators, and recruiting new assistants. To submit an application, create a new topic. In the title of the topic, write your username and the position you are applying for, for example: Ninja - Tester Administrator. In the text entry field, answer the questions. Recruitment for administrators is temporary and will soon be closed.

    Available Positions:

    • Discord Administrator [Mandatory to be a Discord moderator]
    • Wiki Administrator
    • Events Administrator
    • Contests Administrator
    • eSports LiveStream Administrator
    • eSports Content Team Administrator
    • Assistants Administrator
    • Video Editors Administrator
    • VLOG's Administrator
    • Translators Administrator


    • Minimum age requirement for Administrator position is 16 years old.
    • We expect you to have prior experience as an assistant or administrator in a similar role in another game and possess knowledge in this field. Since this is an application for an administrator, experience is required.
    • Commitment to your duties and dedication to allocating the appropriate amount of time to task execution.
    • A microphone is mandatory.
    • Proficiency in English at a communicative level.
    • Familiarity with the game CyberTankz.


    • Opportunities for skill enhancement and professional growth.
    • Compensation in the form of crystals and forum points commensurate with completed tasks.
    • Networking prospects and community engagement.
    • Recognition through an exclusive forum avatar.
    • Access to special in-game paint, such as "Flame".
    • Fulfillment derived from contributing to game development and enhancing player experiences.
    • Potential accolades as "Helper of the Month" or "Helper of the Year" every month.

    Additional information regarding the positions

    Questions to be answered in a new topic

    1. Which position are you interested in becoming an administrator for? Positions are listed above.
    2. Describe your experience in this position, detailing what you did, when, and in which game - tell us everything, it will increase your chances.
    3. Why do you want to become an administrator at CyberTankz?
    4. How do you handle conflicts with other players?
    5. How much time can you dedicate to fulfilling administrator duties?
    6. What motivates you to become an administrator in the game CyberTankz?
    7. Could you please provide your full legal name?
    8. What is your Discord username and Discord ID?
    9. When is your date of birth?
    10. Where are you currently located? Please provide your country and city.
    11. Which languages are you fluent in?
    12. What is your timezone in UTC?
    13. Can you share a bit more about yourself?

    How to Apply?

    1. Ensure you have thoroughly reviewed all requirements associated with the position.
    2. If you meet all requirements, click the "Create New Topic" button.
    3. In the topic title, include your username and the position you are applying for, for example: "Ninja - Cyber Administrator".
    4. In the topic content, answer all questions to the best of your ability. The better your answers, the greater your chances of acceptance.
    5. Once you have responded to all questions, click the "Submit" button and await a response from the Community Manager or Head Administrator. They will always reply within the same topic to inform you whether you have been accepted or rejected.
    6. Under no circumstances should you mention your application or inform anyone that you have applied. They has 30 days to respond; if they do not, consider yourself rejected.

    We wish you the best of luck and hope to see you join the team of Administrators!

  10. Jo0pU0x.png Ideas for NEW Missions

    Hello! In this topic, you can share any ideas for new missions and challenges. You should include objectives, rewards and different difficulty levels. Please provide examples and proposals that are new and original!

  11. tJ0sDCf.png Ideas for NEW Alternations

    Hello! In this topic, you can share any ideas for new alterations. Please include a description of what it does and the name of the alternation! We encourage you to provide examples and proposals that are new and original!

  12. s1LndlF.png Ideas for NEW maps

    Hello! In this topic, you can share your ideas for new maps. Please write a description and name for the map, specify how many people it should accommodate, and describe its appearance. You can also send a file with your map design, but this is optional. Please provide examples and proposals that are new and original!

  13. NEPcbTs.png Ideas for NEW game modes

    Hello! In this topic, you can share any ideas for new game modes. Please write a description and name of how it should look, and feel free to send images, sketches, or videos. Provide examples and proposals that are new and original!

  14. VHvyxlg.png

    Mine Hunt - Event Rules

    5qiFfaP.png The gameplay during the event

    1. Players gather on the chosen map at the start of the event.
    2. The first arrivals have the opportunity to collect up to three gold boxes scattered around the map.
    3. The event commences as soon as the first player enters the map.
    4. Each ranked group is allocated 5 minutes to find and detonate a mine.
    5. The primary objective is to destroy all mines placed by the organizer on the map.
    6. The event takes place on various maps in Deathmatch mode.
    7. Each ranked group participates in two rounds.
    8. After locating and destroying all the mines, players must leave the map.


    1. Aiming or shooting at other players is strictly prohibited.
    2. Shooting towards Event Helpers (players with neon paint) is strictly prohibited. Violators will be immediately punished without any warning.
    3. Mines are intended solely for parkour purposes. Placing mines to harm other participants is prohibited.
    4. Using double armor during the event is prohibited in all cases.
    5. Poor equipment or failure to comply with event rules will result in immediate expulsion from the battle and temporary account suspension. Any other rule violations will have similar consequences.

    Rc6ALfP.png Rank intervals

    Two battles will be created, for each of the specified rank ranges, at appropriate time intervals:

    • mW5H8Ch.pngSergeant - cXJausB.png Captain
    • iz3Tvci.pngMajor - aTtjrra.png Legend

    LZYjh8F.png Required Equipment

    Two battles will be created, for each of the specified rank ranges, at appropriate time intervals:

    • Turret: Any
    • Hull: Wasp or Hornet
    • Paint: Any
    • Modules: None

    KSMU3RB.png Battle Settings

    Two battles will be created, for each of the specified rank ranges, at appropriate time intervals:

    • Game mode: DM - Parkour
    • Max players: Maximum for the chosen map
    • Time limit: 60 minutes
    • Destroy limit: —
    • Private battle: veKn3xI.png
    • Bonus boxes: k1Hma6A.png
    • Gold Boxes: veKn3xI.png
    • Supplies: veKn3xI.png
    • Weapon change: veKn3xI.png

    IdikS9d.png Prizes

    Two battles will be created, for each of the specified rank ranges, at appropriate time intervals:

    • Game mode: DM - Parkour
    • Max players: Maximum for the chosen map
    • Time limit: 60 minutes
    • Destroy limit: —
    • Private battle: veKn3xI.png
    • Bonus boxes: k1Hma6A.png
    • Gold Boxes: veKn3xI.png
    • Supplies: veKn3xI.png
    • Weapon change: veKn3xI.png

    Nbpksdl.png Additional Informations

    • Additional organizers' accounts: (they have Neon paint): CYBERTANKZ_EVENT_XX - where XX denotes any number from 01 to 30
    • All other CyberTankz game rules apply to each of the events. Additionally, the administration reserves the right to change these rules at any time.

  15. Recruitment Status

    About managers

    Managers perform special roles that do not require managing other assistants. These individuals oversee specific groups that are not assistants or hold special positions necessary to maintain the operation of certain segments of the community. Recruitment for managers is temporary and will soon be closed.

    Available Positions:

    • Creative League Administrator
    • YouTubers Manager
    • TikTokers Manager


    • Minimum age requirement for Manager position is 16 years old.
    • Previous experience in the position is welcome.
    • Commitment to your duties and dedication to allocating the appropriate amount of time to task execution.
    • A microphone is mandatory.
    • Proficiency in English or Russian at a communicative level.
    • Familiarity with the game CyberTankz.
    • Knowledge of YouTube, TikTok or Photoshop is required.


    • Opportunities for skill enhancement and professional growth.
    • Compensation in the form of crystals and forum points commensurate with completed tasks.
    • Networking prospects and community engagement.
    • Recognition through an exclusive forum avatar.
    • Access to special in-game paint, such as "Flame".
    • Fulfillment derived from contributing to game development and enhancing player experiences.
    • Potential accolades as "Helper of the Month" or "Helper of the Year" every month.

    Additional information regarding the positions

    Questions to be answered in a new topic

    1. Which position are you interested in becoming an manager for? Positions are listed above.
    2. You have some experience in this position?
    3. Why do you want to become an manager at CyberTankz?
    4. How do you handle conflicts with other players?
    5. How much time can you dedicate to fulfilling manager duties?
    6. What motivates you to become an manager in the CyberTankz game?
    7. Could you please provide your full legal name?
    8. What is your Discord username and Discord ID?
    9. When is your date of birth?
    10. Where are you currently located? Please provide your country and city.
    11. Which languages are you fluent in?
    12. What is your timezone in UTC?
    13. Can you share a bit more about yourself?

    How to Apply?

    1. Ensure you have thoroughly reviewed all requirements associated with the position.
    2. If you meet all requirements, click the "Create New Topic" button.
    3. In the topic title, include your username and the position you are applying for, for example: "Ninja - Test position".
    4. In the topic content, answer all questions to the best of your ability. The better your answers, the greater your chances of acceptance.
    5. Once you have responded to all questions, click the "Submit" button and await a response from the Community Manager or Head Administrator. They will always reply within the same topic to inform you whether you have been accepted or rejected.
    6. Under no circumstances should you mention your application or inform anyone that you have applied. They has 30 days to respond; if they do not, consider yourself rejected.

    We wish you the best of luck and hope to see you join the team of Managers!

  16. Recruitment Status

    About eSports Broadcasters

    eSports Boardcaster is one of the key roles in organizing broadcasts and streams. They create a comfortable and engaging atmosphere for players during intense battles at tournaments for first place, helping them immerse themselves in the competition atmosphere and feel all the dynamics and emotions. Additionally, the broadcaster is also responsible for conducting broadcasts, ensuring high-quality streaming and adherence to all technical aspects necessary for the successful transmission of the event


    • Minimum age: 16 years old
    • Excellent fluency in English and Russian language, both spoken and written.
    • Possession of high-quality headset and microphone, noise-canceling.
    • Daily availability in the game and on Discord platform from 17:00 to 19:00 UTC.
    • Possession of a high-performance computer for live streaming.
    • Very good internet connection ensuring smooth streaming.
    • Experience with broadcasting software such as OBS Studio.
    • Basic knowledge of the e-sports scene.
    • Ability to quickly adapt to changes during broadcasts and make swift decisions.
    • High level of concentration and attention to detail to not miss crucial moments during gameplay.
    • Monitor with a resolution of 1920x1080, capable of streaming in 1080p at 60 frames per second.
    • Responsible and professional approach to assigned tasks.


    • Opportunities for skill enhancement and professional growth.
    • Compensation in the form of crystals and forum points commensurate with completed tasks.
    • Networking prospects and community engagement.
    • Recognition through an exclusive forum avatar.
    • Access to special in-game paint.
    • Fulfillment derived from contributing to game development and enhancing player experiences.
    • Potential accolades as "Helper of the Month" or "Helper of the Year".

    Additional information regarding the position

    Questions to be answered in a new topic

    1. Could you please provide your full real name?
    2. What is your Discord nickname and Discord ID?
    3. When were you born? Please provide date.
    4. Where are you currently residing? Please provide country and city.
    5. In which languages do you communicate on a daily basis?
    6. Why would you like to become an eSports Broadcaster?
    7. Do you have experience in live broadcasting from various events, especially related to eSports tournaments? If so, please share your experience.
    8. How do you react to unexpected situations during broadcasts, such as equipment failures or internet connection issues?
    9. What are the specifications of your computer, including processor, amount of RAM, and graphics card?
    10. Please provide a screenshot of your internet speed test conducted on http://speedtest.net.
    11. Do you have any additional information or insights about yourself that you feel are relevant to share?

    How to Apply?

    1. Ensure you have thoroughly reviewed all requirements associated with the position.
    2. If you meet all requirements, click the "Create New Topic" button.
    3. In the topic title, include your username and the position you are applying for, for example: "Ninja - eSports Broadcaster".
    4. In the topic content, answer all questions to the best of your ability. The better your answers, the greater your chances of acceptance.
    5. Once you have responded to all questions, click the "Submit" button and await a response from the Administrator of the position. They will always reply within the same topic to inform you whether you have been accepted or rejected.
    6. Under no circumstances should you mention your application or inform anyone that you have applied. The Administrator has 30 days to respond; if they do not, consider yourself rejected.

    We wish you the best of luck and hope to see you join the team of helpers!

  17. Recruitment Status

    About forum moderators

    Forum moderators are tasked with maintaining and updating its functionality. They regularly communicate with players, ensuring the smooth operation of the forum and creating a friendly environment for all users. Their duty is to eliminate spam and unnecessary content. Additionally, Forum Moderators are responsible for identifying errors, technical issues, and broken links, fixing them as needed. This requires excellent communication skills and focus to ensure peace and professionalism in every situation. In fulfilling this role, they not only oversee the forum but also provide the best support for users.


    • Minimum age requirement is 16 years old.
    • Activity on the forum is required for at least 1 month prior to submitting an application.
    • Extensive knowledge about the game, its mechanics, and its history.
    • Intermediate proficiency in the English language.
    • Excellent communication skills with players.
    • Comprehensive understanding of the game, its mechanics, and rules.
    • Ability to assist and resolve player issues.
    • Excellent spelling, grammar, and punctuation in English.
    • Active participation on the forum, minimum of 6-12 hours per week.
    • Mature and responsible behavior, in accordance with the game's principles.


    • Opportunities for skill enhancement and professional growth.
    • Compensation in the form of crystals and forum points commensurate with completed tasks.
    • Networking prospects and community engagement.
    • Recognition through an exclusive forum avatar.
    • Access to special in-game paint.
    • Fulfillment derived from contributing to game development and enhancing player experiences.
    • Potential accolades as "Helper of the Month" or "Helper of the Year".

    Additional information regarding the position

    Questions to be answered in a new topic

    1. Could you please provide your full real name?
    2. What is your Discord nickname and Discord ID?
    3. When were you born? Please provide date.
    4. Where are you currently residing? Please provide country and city.
    5. Which languages do you speak fluently?
    6. What is your timezone in UTC?
    7. How many hours per day are you able to dedicate to moderating the forum?
    8. What would you do if your friend or family member violated the rules?
    9. Do you have any experience in moderating forums, in-game chats, or Discord servers?
    10. How would you react if someone started breaking the rules on the forum? For example, by spamming or insulting others.
    11. Tell us a bit more about yourself.

    How to Apply?

    1. Ensure you have thoroughly reviewed all requirements associated with the position.
    2. If you meet all requirements, click the "Create New Topic" button.
    3. In the topic title, include your username and the position you are applying for, for example: "Ninja - Forum Moderator".
    4. In the topic content, answer all questions to the best of your ability. The better your answers, the greater your chances of acceptance.
    5. Once you have responded to all questions, click the "Submit" button and await a response from the Administrator of the position. They will always reply within the same topic to inform you whether you have been accepted or rejected.
    6. Under no circumstances should you mention your application or inform anyone that you have applied. The Administrator has 30 days to respond; if they do not, consider yourself rejected.

    We wish you the best of luck and hope to see you join the team of helpers!

  18. fORUM Moderators LISTS

    vhfJ6qa.png Forum administrator

    Forum Administrator is a key figure in maintaining the prosperity of the forum, ensuring its stable operation and the relevance of information, as well as leading a team of helpers. Additionally, they contribute to the development of the forum. Forum administrators are also responsible for providing technical support to users, ensuring platform security, and protecting against spam and unwanted activities

    tB0g2rF.png Forum Moderator

    Forum Moderator is a moderator monitors players' activity and maintains a positive atmosphere on the forum, overseeing player posts by filtering out spam and unwanted content. The forum moderator is an essential part of the CyberTankz forum and contributes to its development. They also assist new members in understanding the community rules and norms and resolve any conflicts that may arise among participants

    zSBW73U.png Forum Moderator CANDIDATE

    Forum Candidate is a members of the community who has shown interest in becoming a moderator on the forum. They aim to become part of a team that maintains order and a positive atmosphere on the forum. Candidates undergo special training, including studying the rules and processes of moderation, as well as developing skills in interacting with participants.

    Currently, there are no helpers available. You can apply here: click.

  19. Recruitment Status


    The esports commentator is the person who provides live commentary for esports tournaments. They are the voice that creates an atmosphere and interest in watching tournaments. The main task of the commentator is to ensure informative, engaging, and professional broadcasting, as well as interaction with the audience, to make watching competitions memorable and exciting for all participants


    • Minimum age: 16 years.
    • Daily availability in the game and on Discord from 17:00 to 19:00 UTC.
    • Possession of a good set of headphones and a high-quality, noise-free microphone.
    • Proficiency in English and Russian, both spoken and written.
    • Required personal traits: emotional intelligence, analytical skills, and effective communication abilities.
    • Ability to work in a team and collaborate effectively with other members.
    • Basic knowledge of e-sports.
    • Passion for live event commentary.
    • Responsibility and a professional approach to assigned tasks.
    • Creativity and the ability to improvise text on the spot.


    • Opportunities for skill enhancement and professional growth.
    • Compensation in the form of crystals and forum points commensurate with completed tasks.
    • Networking prospects and community engagement.
    • Recognition through an exclusive forum avatar.
    • Access to special in-game paint.
    • Fulfillment derived from contributing to game development and enhancing player experiences.
    • Potential accolades as "Helper of the Month" or "Helper of the Year".

    Additional information regarding the position

    Questions to be answered in a new topic

    1. Could you please provide your full real name?
    2. What is your Discord nickname and Discord ID?
    3. When were you born? Please provide date.
    4. Where are you currently residing? Please provide country and city.
    5. Why do you want to become a commentator?
    6. Do you have experience in live event commentary? Can you describe it for us?
    7. How do you plan to engage viewers with your commentary, encouraging them to watch and send messages?
    8. Can you provide an example of a situation where you analyzed gameplay during a live broadcast?
    9. Do you have the necessary equipment for commentating (headset, microphone)?
    10. What is the name of your microphone or headset?
    11. How do you plan to resolve technical issues with your microphone or sound during a broadcast?
    12. What steps will you take to expand your knowledge of e-sports?
    13. Please send us a link to a video with your commentary (3-10 minutes). The commentary can be on CyberTankz or any other game.
    14. Tell us something about yourself.

    How to Apply?

    1. Ensure you have thoroughly reviewed all requirements associated with the position.
    2. If you meet all requirements, click the "Create New Topic" button.
    3. In the topic title, include your username and the position you are applying for, for example: "Ninja - eSports Commentator".
    4. In the topic content, answer all questions to the best of your ability. The better your answers, the greater your chances of acceptance.
    5. Once you have responded to all questions, click the "Submit" button and await a response from the Administrator of the position. They will always reply within the same topic to inform you whether you have been accepted or rejected.
    6. Under no circumstances should you mention your application or inform anyone that you have applied. The Administrator has 30 days to respond; if they do not, consider yourself rejected.

    We wish you the best of luck and hope to see you join the team of helpers!

  20. unBjoeA.png

    Best helpers of may 2024

    4F1V59E.png Best administrators

    @3Be3gA - Community Manager / Chat Administrator 
    @BMW - Head Administrator / Rent a Spec Administrator 
    @Maturity - Discord Administrator 
    @MysticDream - Discord & Contests Administrator 
    @Chaos - Social Media Administrator 
    @Kivi - Designers Administrator 
    @Tp3k - Mapmakers Administrator 

    nHUfuYf.png Best Helpers

    Discord Moderators:

    • Thanks 1
  21. Battle Moderators LISTS

    j6thAvJ.png bATTLE administrator

    Battle Administrator is a key role in maintaining the game process and ensuring fair play. The administrator of this group is responsible for controlling the helpers, ensuring the stability of the game process, and identifying violators, starting from sabotage and ending with the use of cheats. They also deal with player complaints. If a player is banned, they can file an appeal.

    F8I1TQJ.png Battle Moderator

    Battle Moderator - a group of helpers actively involved in moderating battles to identify rule violators and address player complaints about rule violations. They also ensure fairness in the game by providing equal conditions for all participants and maintaining a positive gaming atmosphere.

    Currently, there are no helpers available. You can apply here: click.

    F8I1TQJ.png Battle Moderator CANDIDATE

    Battle Candidate - these are players who aspire to join the official team of moderators in battles. They actively participate in moderating game battles and consider complaints from players about rule violations. Candidates undergo special training, during which they learn to keep ban logs, study moderator commands, and develop skills for interacting with players to effectively respond to violations and maintain a positive atmosphere in the game.

    Currently, there are no helpers available. You can apply here: click.

  22. Recruitment Status

    About Assistants

    Assistants play a supporting role for other team members, actively engaging in diverse tasks. Their main responsibilities include creating, maintaining, and updating game-related websites, identifying and fixing any errors, collecting and analyzing player feedback, as well as managing documentation and spreadsheets. Thanks to their commitment and professionalism, the high quality of the entire project's operation is ensured.


    • A minimum age of 16 years.
    • Proficient knowledge of English or Russian language is necessary.
    • Decent knowledge and experience regarding CyberTankz and its history are appreciated.
    • Proficiency in spreadsheet software and ability to create documents or code is required.
    • Fluent understanding of web development languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, among others, is necessary.
    • Ability to effectively communicate with players to gather feedback and suggestions.
    • Skill in working effectively within a team is essential.
    • Organizational skills are required.
    • Demonstrated commitment to achieving goals is expected.


    • Opportunities for skill enhancement and professional growth.
    • Compensation in the form of crystals and forum points commensurate with completed tasks.
    • Networking prospects and community engagement.
    • Recognition through an exclusive forum avatar.
    • Access to special in-game paint.
    • Fulfillment derived from contributing to game development and enhancing player experiences.
    • Potential accolades as "Helper of the Month" or "Helper of the Year".
    • We offer compensation ranging from $300 to $500 for each completed page with features.

    Additional information regarding the position

    Questions to be answered in a new topic

    1. Please provide your full real name.
    2. What is your Discord nickname and Discord ID?
    3. When were you born? Please provide date.
    4. Where are you currently residing? Please provide country and city.
    5. Can you tell us about your experience in programming and which projects have been most satisfying for you?
    6. What programming languages do you know, and to what extent do you feel proficient in each of them?
    7. Could you provide an example of the best project you have completed? A photo or link would be appreciated.
    8. Do you have experience working with databases? Please describe your experience in this area.
    9. Have you had the opportunity to work with API? If so, it would be great if you could provide a specific example of a project where you used an API.
    10. Please share some details about yourself.

    How to Apply?

    1. Ensure you have thoroughly reviewed all requirements associated with the position.
    2. If you meet all requirements, click the "Create New Topic" button.
    3. In the topic title, include your username and the position you are applying for, for example: "CyberTankz - Test position".
    4. In the topic content, answer all questions to the best of your ability. The better your answers, the greater your chances of acceptance.
    5. Once you have responded to all questions, click the "Submit" button and await a response from the Administrator of the position. They will always reply within the same topic to inform you whether you have been accepted or rejected.
    6. Under no circumstances should you mention your application or inform anyone that you have applied. The Administrator has 30 days to respond; if they do not, consider yourself rejected.

    We wish you the best of luck and hope to see you join the team of helpers!

  23. Recruitment Status

    About V-LOG'S HELPERs

    Video blog helpers are a dynamic team united by a passion for creating video content. Their primary goal is not only to provide fascinating materials for the video blog but also individual productions dedicated to gamers. This group of individuals engages in the creative process with passion and commitment, ensuring the quality and originality of each video blog. Through diverse tutorials, event coverage within games, and interviews with developers, CyberTankz video blog helpers not only deliver entertainment but also build a strong gaming community. Their work not only entertains but also inspires and motivates to explore new aspects of the game and develop their skills.


    • Minimum age: 20 years old.
    • Possession of your own set of headphones, microphone, and camera for recording high-quality video content.
    • Experience in the field of video content creation, including recording in front of the camera, although you may not always fulfill this role.
    • Knowledge and ability to operate recording equipment and editing software.
    • Full responsibility for all recorded materials, including their technical quality and content.
    • Demonstration of creativity and ability to generate original ideas for video content that captivates and engages the audience.
    • Ability to work in a team and effective communication with other team members.
    • Understanding of copyright laws and ability to use materials belonging to others in accordance with applicable legal regulations.
    • Awareness of ethical use of content and respect for the copyright of other creators.
    • Willingness to continuously develop and improve both as a content creator and a public figure.
    • Desire to learn and adapt to new trends and technologies in the field of video content creation.


    • Opportunities for skill enhancement and professional growth.
    • Compensation in the form of crystals and forum points commensurate with completed tasks.
    • Networking prospects and community engagement.
    • Recognition through an exclusive forum avatar.
    • Access to special in-game paint.
    • Fulfillment derived from contributing to game development and enhancing player experiences.
    • Potential accolades as "Helper of the Month" or "Helper of the Year".
    • From $200 to $500 for each recorded video blog with a camera.

    Additional information regarding the position

    Questions to be answered in a new topic

    1. Please provide your real name.
    2. What is your Discord nickname and Discord ID?
    3. When were you born? Please provide date.
    4. Where are you currently residing? Please provide country and city.
    5. Do you possess a microphone?
    6. Do you possess a headset?
    7. Do you possess a webcam?
    8. Do you have experience in recording and creating video content in front of the camera?
    9. Can you provide examples of original video content ideas that captivate an audience's attention?
    10. How do you manage continuous skill development and improvement?
    11. What motivates your interest in becoming a Video Blog Helper?
    12. Please share some details about yourself.

    How to Apply?

    1. Ensure you have thoroughly reviewed all requirements associated with the position.
    2. If you meet all requirements, click the "Create New Topic" button.
    3. In the topic title, include your username and the position you are applying for, for example: "CyberTankz - Test position".
    4. In the topic content, answer all questions to the best of your ability. The better your answers, the greater your chances of acceptance.
    5. Once you have responded to all questions, click the "Submit" button and await a response from the Administrator of the position. They will always reply within the same topic to inform you whether you have been accepted or rejected.
    6. Under no circumstances should you mention your application or inform anyone that you have applied. The Administrator has 30 days to respond; if they do not, consider yourself rejected.

    We wish you the best of luck and hope to see you join the team of helpers!

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